Miyerkules, Mayo 24, 2017

Moral-Philosophical Approach

 Analysis in Jane Austen`s Northanger Abbey    

 Literature can`t be written without the intervention of author`s intention of teaching morality and to probe philosophical issue if the approach is not about morality and philosophy. In the novel, Northanger Abbey the approach about moral-philosophical unlocked minds on how the author wrote the story by the influence of reading Gothic novels affecting the imagination of Catherine, the main character, to how reality plays. In the beginning of the story, the portrayal of Catherine as stubborn, stupid, easy go lucky and playful young girl at ten changed when she was at fifteen to seventeen. She decided to train herself for heroine so she read works and became hooked in Gothic novels in which later in the novel inferred his ideas about the Northanger Abbey.

      The place where the Tilney`s family reside is on Northanger Abbey. Before Catherine able to visit the place, Henry Tilney, the man whom she met that became her husband in the end, arouse the mind of her to imagine Northanger Abbey`s suspense, security and disappointment. For instance on page 147,3rd sentences of the book, “With this parting cordial she curtsey's off- you listen to the sound of her receding footsteps as long as the last echo can reach you, you discover, with increased alarm, that it has no lock.” Those words terrified Catherine and made herself think of a book the same to what he told her, but since she was pictured as maturing young lady she said to him that it cannot really happen to her.
      However, curiosity and impact of Gothic novels managed her to open a large high chest, standing back in a deep recess on one side of the fire-place and in the cabinet where old manuscript long asleep. Her morality to think of what was right and proper eluded her philosophy to be a heroine on her own. In the reason, her suspect of a crime made by General Tilney because of the things she found out gave her an idea of solving the issue by telling everything to Henry. As expected, blood is thicker than water, Henry could not afford to believe in all the proposed examination of the mysterious apartments made by Catherine so he told what Catherine accused to his father. General Tilney in result talked to Catherine asking her to go back to Fullerton, Catherine`s village, because of not only of her suspicion but also of John Thorpe`s statement that her family was poor and that she only wants grandeur of life with Henry.

Love is the loudest voice to a person with a sincere heart and dignified choice. Meaning here, Henry`s love for Catherine did not stop him even he had the hard choice of choosing his father`s advised or to obey his heart`s wants. The novel teaches us the morality and philosophical issues regarding insinuation of parental tyranny, filial disobedience, ladies maturity and societal realism.

Sabado, Pebrero 7, 2015

Who is the Killer? (In A Grove by Akutagawa)


Who did the killing?

                  All seven of the testimonies seem to be filled with inconsistencies which made the reader confused of who really did the killing. But since we were assigned to prove and convinced our reader in the person behind the  killing, I had gathered some information about it. According to the Woodcutter, Tajomaru, and Masago the Samurai wears a bluish Kimono with sword and a bow and arrow which signifies his ole being a Samurai. The old woman adds fact of Takehiko as a Samurai when she said in her confession that hr son-in-law was a Samurai in the town of Kukufu in the province. As what you have read above, I am focusing to what I will going to reveal later in this writing. To lead you not into confusion but further comprehension I would nor reiterate the other characters testimony in the killing. But to open the bewilderment of this case, some proof that the other characters are not the one killed even though they said they are.
                  Tajomaru did not intend to kill Takehiko but Masago insisted. In accordance to the killing situation, Masago`s capability to kill her husband because of shame, guilt and anger couldn`t convinced me in the fact that she is the one who killed Takehiko because as a woman who said to be more gentle and soft-hearted than man believes to not be so cruel especially in killing her love ones. And in fact the mother of Masago proved that Masago is devoted to her husband, by this it is impossible that she is the one who killed Takehiko. In the side of Tajomaru whom suspected by the policeman and commissioner to be the killer was i believed to be untrue, because in the first place the main reason of Tajomaru luring them is to get the promised of swords and mirrors. the high police commissioner testified, the weakness for women and case of robbery of Tajomaru which tends to be the only focus why Tajomaru appeared in the story as said to be the killer.
                  The testimony trough a medium of Takehiko himself proved that he commits suicide. Going back to the focus of revealing to you of who the real killer was, I have gathered information regarding Takehiko`s stand as a Samurai. A Samurai obeyed a strict moral code which was called Bushsido, or "the  way of the warrior". It applied both and off the battlefield. They were prepared to commit suicide if it was a matter of honor. In connection to what the murdered man encountered when he saw his wife being rape by the robber without his help to stop him Tajomaru made him look weak and pale. In addition, it was said also that when a Samurai lose in a battle it is better for him to commit suicide, in like manners , Takehiko was lose in battling with Tajomaru. Moreover, when his wife convinced by the robber to go with him, it cause the Samurai to agonized by jealousy. Moreover, the time that woman said to Tajomaru, "Kill Him! I cannot marry you as long as he lives", took Takehiko  in anger, regret, betrayal and dishonor. With those words came from Masago, the part of Takehiko as her husband was not yet honored, in that case, it is the reason why the murdered man killed himself.