Sabado, Pebrero 7, 2015

Who is the Killer? (In A Grove by Akutagawa)


Who did the killing?

                  All seven of the testimonies seem to be filled with inconsistencies which made the reader confused of who really did the killing. But since we were assigned to prove and convinced our reader in the person behind the  killing, I had gathered some information about it. According to the Woodcutter, Tajomaru, and Masago the Samurai wears a bluish Kimono with sword and a bow and arrow which signifies his ole being a Samurai. The old woman adds fact of Takehiko as a Samurai when she said in her confession that hr son-in-law was a Samurai in the town of Kukufu in the province. As what you have read above, I am focusing to what I will going to reveal later in this writing. To lead you not into confusion but further comprehension I would nor reiterate the other characters testimony in the killing. But to open the bewilderment of this case, some proof that the other characters are not the one killed even though they said they are.
                  Tajomaru did not intend to kill Takehiko but Masago insisted. In accordance to the killing situation, Masago`s capability to kill her husband because of shame, guilt and anger couldn`t convinced me in the fact that she is the one who killed Takehiko because as a woman who said to be more gentle and soft-hearted than man believes to not be so cruel especially in killing her love ones. And in fact the mother of Masago proved that Masago is devoted to her husband, by this it is impossible that she is the one who killed Takehiko. In the side of Tajomaru whom suspected by the policeman and commissioner to be the killer was i believed to be untrue, because in the first place the main reason of Tajomaru luring them is to get the promised of swords and mirrors. the high police commissioner testified, the weakness for women and case of robbery of Tajomaru which tends to be the only focus why Tajomaru appeared in the story as said to be the killer.
                  The testimony trough a medium of Takehiko himself proved that he commits suicide. Going back to the focus of revealing to you of who the real killer was, I have gathered information regarding Takehiko`s stand as a Samurai. A Samurai obeyed a strict moral code which was called Bushsido, or "the  way of the warrior". It applied both and off the battlefield. They were prepared to commit suicide if it was a matter of honor. In connection to what the murdered man encountered when he saw his wife being rape by the robber without his help to stop him Tajomaru made him look weak and pale. In addition, it was said also that when a Samurai lose in a battle it is better for him to commit suicide, in like manners , Takehiko was lose in battling with Tajomaru. Moreover, when his wife convinced by the robber to go with him, it cause the Samurai to agonized by jealousy. Moreover, the time that woman said to Tajomaru, "Kill Him! I cannot marry you as long as he lives", took Takehiko  in anger, regret, betrayal and dishonor. With those words came from Masago, the part of Takehiko as her husband was not yet honored, in that case, it is the reason why the murdered man killed himself.

13 komento:

  1. Samurai had a very specific ritual. They would cut themselves in their stomach. Not the chest which for me erases the possibility that he killed himself.

    Mga Tugon
    1. But since, the present weapon in the story is just a small knife we can see the probability of killing himself in way he did rather than cutting his stomach which will prolong his agony. Good points Angel tnx.

    2. Naalis ng may-ari ang komentong ito.

    3. Naalis ng may-ari ang komentong ito.

  2. Samurai had a very specific ritual. They would cut themselves in their stomach. Not the chest which for me erases the possibility that he killed himself.

  3. Naalis ng may-ari ang komentong ito.

  4. But since, the present weapon in the story is just a small knife we can see the probability of killing himself in way he did rather than cutting his stomach which will prolong his agony. Good points Angel tnx.

  5. Hey you are wrong !! Tajomaru just made up that deception of hidden treasure to lure the couple since he felt lust towards the woman !

  6. Naalis ng may-ari ang komentong ito.

  7. Naalis ng isang administrator ng blog ang komentong ito.

  8. Naalis ng may-ari ang komentong ito.

  9. Thank you for all the comments. This is just an opinionated statement of how Akutagawa made our mind confused, yet the only the author knows the meaning of his own writing. :-)

  10. its obviously not him. for me, he was just trying to protect masago which i think is the killer cause in both of their testimonies, masago killed takehiko by the means of stabbing him through his breast, while takehiko suicided by the means of stabbing his breast too. In takehiko's testimony, that invisible hands must be no other than masago who took out the dagger out from his body cause she wanted to kill herself, but apparently, she ended up not killing herself, instead she went to the buddhist temple to confess. so i am 100% sure that it is MASAGO
